Other Position outside of Nursing

Deutsches Herzzentrum München des Freistaates Bayern-0

Doctoral Candidate in Medicine (m/f/d)

Deutsches Herzzentrum München des Freistaates Bayern

Hospital or Clinic

80636 München

Full-Time, Part-Time


Facility Benefits

Vergütung nach dem TV-L
Übertarifliche Zulagen
Anerkennung bisheriger Berufserfahrung
Günstige Wohnangebote
Bezahlbare Wohnangebote
Betriebliche Altersvorsorge
Jobticket für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

Job Description

The German Heart Center Munich of the Free State of Bavaria is a clinic at the School of Medicine and Health, Technical University of Munich with an international reputation and state-of-the-art research and medical facilities.

The Laboratory of Population Genomics and Functional Genomics at the Department of Cardiology is seeking Doctoral Candidate in Medicine (m/f/d).

Project description
The bioengineering project aims to establish our developed human engineered artery – featuring human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived cells - as a model for studying disease mechanisms and therapeutic testing for coronary artery disease.

What you bring

  • Strong interest in cardiovascular research
  • Accuracy and reliability, initiative, organizational skills, and a high sense of responsibility
  • Good written and spoken English
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Full-time commitment for 8-12 months

Our offer

  • Comprehensive supervision and supportive mentoring
  • Support and guidance to apply for a research scholarship
  • An integrated environment for a scientific career, including international colleagues (data scientists, biologists, and medical doctors), comprehensive research facilities (computation servers, biological labs, and animal facility), extended collaboration nationally and internationally, and consortium or foundation resources (DFG, SFB TRR267, DZHK, Corona-Stiftung, Deutsche Herzstiftung, et al).

Severely disabled applicants (m/f/d) will be given preference if otherwise equally qualified.

Your application should include:

  • Cover letter describing your research interest and why you are suitable for the position (max. 1 page)
  • CV
  • Copy of your transcript of records

Job Requirements

Work permit in Germany: Required

German language skill: Intermediate (B1)

Driver’s license: Not required

Suitable Qualifications

Other Position outside of Nursing
Pediatric cardiology
Intensive Care
Vascular surgery
Heart thorax surgery

About the facility





Established in


Das Deutsche Herzzentrum München - Klinik an der Technischen Universität München - ist ein Fachkrankenhaus für Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen. Seit über 40 Jahren verschreiben wir uns der Heilung und Erforschung des Herzens. Unser Auftrag ist die Versorgung herzkranker Kinder, Jugendlicher und Erwachsener.