Hospital or Clinic
Full-Time, Part-Time
The German Heart Center Munich of the Free State of Bavaria is a clinic at the School of Medicine and Health, Technical University of Munich with an international reputation and state-of-the-art research and medical facilities.
The Laboratory of Population Genomics and Functional Genomics at the Department of Cardiology is seeking Doctoral Candidate in Medicine (m/f/d).
Project description
The bioengineering project aims to establish our developed human engineered artery – featuring human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived cells - as a model for studying disease mechanisms and therapeutic testing for coronary artery disease.
What you bring
Our offer
Severely disabled applicants (m/f/d) will be given preference if otherwise equally qualified.
Your application should include:
Work permit in Germany: Required
German language skill: Intermediate (B1)
Driver’s license: Not required
Established in
Das Deutsche Herzzentrum München - Klinik an der Technischen Universität München - ist ein Fachkrankenhaus für Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen. Seit über 40 Jahren verschreiben wir uns der Heilung und Erforschung des Herzens. Unser Auftrag ist die Versorgung herzkranker Kinder, Jugendlicher und Erwachsener.