Sonstige Position außerhalb der Pflege

HELIOS Kliniken GmbH - HELIOS Amper-Klinikum Dachau-0

Hygiene specialist (m/f/d)

HELIOS Kliniken GmbH - HELIOS Amper-Klinikum Dachau

Krankenhaus / Klinik

85221 Dachau

Vollzeit, Teilzeit (50%-90%)

Ab sofort

Vorteile der Einrichtung

Attraktive Vergütung mit Sozialleistungen
Zuschuss zum MVG Jobticket
Arbeitgeberfinanzierte Zusatzversicherung über HeliosPlusCard
Attraktive Konditionen für Ihre Familie
Kostenlose Mitgliedschaft im Fitnessstudio
Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung mit Obst und Wasser
Vergünstigungen bei namhaften Anbietern.
Fort- und Weiterbildung


Hygiene Specialist (m/f/d)
The right tools for the best patient care? We invest in a modern working environment and in your know-how. Let's get to work!
We are looking for a full-time or part-time hygiene specialist (m/f/d) at the Dachau site as soon as possible.
What you can expect:

  • Further development, assurance, and monitoring of hygiene standards in accordance with Group and internal guidelines.
  • Surveillance of nosocomial infections and multi-resistant pathogens.
  • Outbreak management.
  • Providing practical advice to employees and carrying out training and practical instruction for all hospital staff.
  • Recommendation and monitoring of necessary infection prevention measures.
  • Determining disinfection measures, monitoring care techniques, and hygiene-related work processes.
  • Carrying out hygiene visits and microbiological checks in accordance with current guidelines.
    What you bring with you:
  • Training and experience as a healthcare professional or nurse.
  • Completed further training as a hygiene specialist and ideally professional experience in the field of hospital hygiene.
  • Very good user knowledge of standard software.
  • Empathetic demeanor and the ability to work cooperatively in a team and with different professional groups.
  • Personal initiative, professional commitment, and assertiveness.
  • Professional and situationally appropriate handling of conflict situations.
    You can look forward to:
  • An attractive salary above the standard pay scale with bonuses and a company pension scheme.
  • Short decision-making processes, flat hierarchies.
  • A varied, responsible role in an appreciative, open-minded team and rapid integration into your new working environment thanks to a structured induction program supported by long-serving employees.
  • Opportunity to travel to work in an environmentally friendly way - with an employer subsidy for the Deutschlandticket.
  • Discounts for over 480 top brands and prevention programs, e.g. discounts at sports studios.
  • The Helios PlusCard: supplementary insurance financed by Helios with, among other things, optional medical treatment in the event of hospitalization in one of our acute clinics.
    Further information:
    Helios is the leading hospital operator in Europe. Collegial and interdisciplinary cooperation and the rapid implementation of innovations guarantee our patients the best possible care. This creates a unique space for your knowledge, talents, ideas, and future plans.
    The Helios Amper-Klinikum Dachau is a specialist care facility and academic teaching hospital of the LMU Munich with 435 beds and 18 specialist departments. The Helios Amper-Klinik Indersdorf, which specializes in geriatric medicine and geriatric rehabilitation, has 95 beds. At both locations, around 1,150 employees treat more than 81,400 inpatients and outpatients every year.
    Your new job is just a few clicks away. We look forward to receiving your application.
    Equal opportunities in the workplace are important to us. That's why we particularly encourage people with disabilities, of all gender identities and backgrounds to apply.


Arbeitserlaubnis in Deutschland: Benötigt

Deutschkenntnisse: Gut (B1)

Führerschein: Nicht benötigt

Passende Qualifikationen

Sonstige Position außerhalb der Pflege
Innere Medizin

Über die Einrichtung





Das Helios Amper-Klinikum Dachau, ein Krankenhaus der Schwerpunktversorgung (Stufe II) mit 435 Betten, bietet neben moderner Notfallversorgung und einem breiten Behandlungsspektrum spezialisierte Angebote, die zu einer überregionalen Bedeutung beitragen. Das Dachauer Klinikum versorgt jährlich rund 22.000 stationäre Patienten. Weitere 30.000 Patienten werden ambulant von den über 1.000 Mitarbeitern medizinisch versorgt.

Das sagen andere Kandidaten über diese Einrichtung

Überdurchschnittliches Gehalt
Gutes Management
Gute Gesamtbewertung
Guter Teamzusammenhalt
Gute Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten
Gute Work Life Balance