Sonstige Position außerhalb der Pflege

Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf-0

Postdoctoral Researcher position (m/f/d)– in the field of cardiovascular medicine

Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf

Krankenhaus / Klinik, Universitätsklinik

40225 Düsseldorf

Vollzeit, Teilzeit (50%-90%)

Ab sofort

Vorteile der Einrichtung

Betriebsrente über VBL
Job-Ticket für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Gleitzeit im Betrieb
Fort- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten
Arbeitsmedizinische Vorsorgeuntersuchungen
Sport- und Gesundheitskurse
Vergünstigte Parkmöglichkeiten


Düsseldorf University Hospital (UKD) is the largest hospital in the state capital and one of the most important medical centers in North Rhine-Westphalia. The 9,300 employees at UKD and its subsidiaries are committed to treating over 45,000 inpatients and 270,000 outpatients every year. The UKD stands for international excellence in patient care, research and teaching, as well as for innovative and safe diagnostics, therapy and prevention. Patients benefit from the intensive interdisciplinary cooperation between the 60 clinics and institutes. The particular strength of the University Hospital is the close integration of clinical and research work for the safe application of new methods. Tomorrows medicine is being created at the UKD. Every day.

The Department of Cardiology, Pneumology and Vascular Medicine is looking for a temporary position from 01.04.2025 until 31.03.2028 for a Postdoctoral Researcher position (m/f/d) – in the field of cardiovascular medicine.

The initial appointment will be for the duration of the project, with the option of extension. These are qualification positions within the meaning of the German Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG, according to § 2 para. 1).

In a cardiovascular project funded by the Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung, we aim to investigate the role of oestrogen as a therapeutic target in acute myocardial infarction in post-menopausal women with type II diabetes mellitus. In this project, murine experiments with haemodynamic focus (echocardiography, langendorff perfused heart model, ischemia reperfusion, …) are combined with molecular biology investigations including proteomics, PCR analyses and western blot as well as with clinical studies.

What you offer

  • A motivated and encouraged applicant with good English (German desirable) and a PhD degree in natural sciences or a related field.
  • Experience in murine experiments with knowledge in functional cardiac analyses such as murine echocardiography, langendorff perfused heart model and ischemia reperfusion injury models.
  • Additional experience in molecular biology skills is desirable.
  • The applicant will be responsible for the named research project funded by the Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung.

What we provide

  • A young and growing working group in the field of sex-specific differences in cardiovascular medicine.
  • Focus on gender aspects including hormone effects, menopause and cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes type II with the view to sex-related differences.
  • Integration in the Cardiovascular Research Institute Düsseldorf (CARID) with clinicians, medical doctoral students and PhD students from different backgrounds.
  • Collaboration with national and international partners for intensive exchange in the projects.
  • Access to modern technologies including flow cytometry, PCR analyses, advanced imaging techniques as well as murine cardio-circulatory investigation systems.
  • Opportunities for career development and a motivated spirit of a growing young working group with ideal conditions for close interdisciplinary interaction and scientific growth.

The position is evaluated according to E 13 TV-L (100%, 38.5h weekly). The employment contract is concluded with Heinrich Heine University.

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf aims to increase the proportion of women. Applications from women with equal suitability, qualifications and professional performance will therefore be given preferential consideration, unless reasons relating to the person of a competitor outweigh this. The application of suitable severely disabled persons and persons with equivalent disabilities according to SGB IX is welcome.

Applications should be written in English and should include:

  • Letter of intent (please state clearly what motivates you to apply for this position and what you believe you can bring to our research group)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Attached university diploma
  • Brief summary of research experience and practical lab skills
  • List of referees

By sending the application documents, the applicant agrees that these become the property of the University Hospital Düsseldorf and will not be returned for reasons of cost.


Arbeitserlaubnis in Deutschland: Benötigt

Deutschkenntnisse: Gut (B1)

Führerschein: Nicht benötigt

Passende Qualifikationen

Sonstige Position außerhalb der Pflege
Psychiatrie/ Psychotherapie/ Psychosomatik

Über die Einrichtung





Das Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf (UKD) steht für internationale Spitzenleistungen in Krankenversorgung, Forschung und Lehre. Renommierte Experten und engagierte Teams garantieren eine moderne Medizin auf höchstem Niveau. Moderne, sichere und schonende Methoden in Diagnostik und Therapie helfen dabei im Kampf gegen viele Krankheiten und deren unliebsame Folgen. Die besondere Stärke des UKD liegt in der interdisziplinären Behandlung der Patienten und in der engen Verzahnung von Klinikbetrieb und Forschung. Über 50.000 Patienten werden jährlich am Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf stationär versorgt. Zudem werden etwa 300.000 Patienten im Jahr ambulant behandelt. Mit 5500 Mitarbeitern und 1200 Betten ist das UKD das größte Krankenhaus in der Landeshauptstadt und eines der wichtigsten medizinischen Zentren in NRW.

Das sagen andere Kandidaten über diese Einrichtung

Gutes Management
Gute Work Life Balance
Guter Teamzusammenhalt
Gute Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten
Gute Arbeitsbedingungen